Emissaries of Light

Emissaries of Light

A bi-weekly mystery school & ceremonial shamanic apprenticeship series

Aug 2024 – Sep 2025 | Online

Bi-Weekly Thursdays
@ 5pm PST (2x per month)

AYNI: Sacred Reciprocity
$88 USD / month

This program is here for your healing, learning, training with the plant spirits, working in the realms of sacred alchemy, and true abundance to support you on your hearts path.

It is a built integration program for anyone integrating plant medicine and shamanic journey work.

This will be 13 months of support, prayer, intentional focus to bring your energy into continued alignment.

You will be opening into the realms of a true mystery school, held by Lineage, prayer and Love!

We are in awe of how this container has come together.

Emissaries of light will be held by myself  with all the magic in my bundle after 18 years of shamanic training and it now being my 14th year working with Ayahuasca.

Alongside my beautiful heyoka partner Jason who brings 15 years to the table of plant spirit shamanism and herbalism.

It will also be held by 2 different indigenous medicine elders of very strong shamanic lineages.

Aztecayote is an amazing joyful medicine man, pipe carrier, a sundance chief and potent healer that serves his community in Mexico

Santos is a maracame medicine man in his seventies! {maracames are the peyote shamans of Mexico}

Santos in his eldership is who the other maracames go to for cleaning and clearing. As he is usually out of signal in the desert, he will be timing his journeys with us accordingly.

We also will have some incredible guest teachers and healers, astrologists and therapists you are going to love!

The content covered in this 13 month container could easily be $15,000

However the guidance was to make this as accessible as possible, to as many folks as possible to come and pray, train in their abilities and evolve and support one another in these big times.

So we priced it at $88 a month for 13 moons.

Crafted to nurture your spiritual evolution and forge a deeper connection with ancestral wisdom and plant spirits, this transformative journey is led by Athena Naia a beloved ceremonialist alongside esteemed elders from diverse shamanic traditions—rarely accessible to learn from.

For $88 per month, join a sacred community committed to expanding your medicine bundle, fostering healing, and achieving alignment during these critical times of personal and planetary growth.

Gathering together every full & new moon for an entire year will change your life !


What You Will Receive

    • 2 New moon and full moon ceremonies for 13 whole months
    • Ikaro sound healings of the Shipibo Amazonian tradition. Plant transmissions that support ceremonial plant work
    • Activations, clearings, and songs and healing from a living legend in the peyote or Hikuri tradition of the desserts of Mexico
    • Regular chanupa ceremony with pipe carrier and azteca medicine man aztecoyote. This includes Channelled wisdom teachings and transmissions that are beautiful, healing to help you tune into your inner guidance system
    • Wisdom and medicine teachings. Shamanic teachings on cleaning, clearing and creating a strong energy grid. Gridding the individual home and living space
    • Regular Access maracame elder Santos
    • Access to Private Telegram Group with beautiful medicine and ceremony community, with monthly quantum healings and meditations posted
    • In depth classes on somatics and Trauma and basics of becoming trauma informed in ceremony work
    • Sacred parts inner work class taught by psychotherapists in the field.
    • Prayer and accountability partner. Over the course of the year you will have multiple prayer partners and an accountability cohort.
    • Energetic support and allyship for work as a practitioner, facilitator and community member.
    • Shamanic Blessings through 3 different lineages of light
    • Entheogenic Plant medicine teachings from advanced seasoned medicine practitioners in the field
    • Traditional Teachings on how to give limpias and clearings working with feathers and plants.
    • Traditional Teachings on how to work and care for ceremonial tools. Drum, rattle, and ceremony feathers.
    • If you work with any of these items and have not worked with indigenous elders. This is a way to come into alignment with bigger planetary energies, and ancestors and be in right relationship around cultural appropriation and learn to be in deeper relationship with your own medicines and the Earth
    • Q and A sessions: Questions about certain pieces you’re working on and bringing them up into council for guidance from the team.
    • Q and A channelling sessions
    • Group Healing Transmissions
    • Natural built in medicine journey integration support. If you have ceremony or retreat planned for the year, you can know you have an added layer of support woven in
    • Protection practices.
    • Abundance activations, teachings and transmissions.
    • Chord cutting initiations, blessings and teachings.
    • Learn how to make an elemental altar
    • A whole new way of being in your life!

Ayni (energetic exchange)

$88 USD a month until September 2025

Register Here:



is a traditional Mexika healer, Aztekoyotl began dancing in utero and has been integrated into the path of spirit ever since.

Of P’urhépecha and Hñähñu decent, Aztekoyotl was born in the Tenochtitlan, the ancient Aztek city, where he developed his love for sacred symbolism, Mexika culture, and Aztek dance.

He is a recognized medicine man, sundance chief, pipe carrier and beautiful father bringing over 30 years of experience and ceremony to the table.

Athena Naia

has been studying forms of traditional healing and shamanism for over 18 years and working with plant medicine since 2010. She has been recognized by the Grandmother Shipibo Maestras she works with and was given the cup to serve medicine after many years of apprenticing.

She has spent countless time learning from Elders, wisdom keepers and guardians of the traditions in North and South America.

Athena creates a profound container of healing, inviting you into the world of spirit and opening our minds to the truth that life is a miracle.


is a maracame medicine man and healer in his seventies! {maracames are the peyote shamans of Mexico}

Santos began his training as a  young child and is one of the last remaining healers of his kind. He is a Wixárika elder from the Nayarit desert in Mexico. He is an incredibly skilled practitioner, seer and brings an ancient knowledge and wisdom that is felt. It is truly an honor to work with him.

Santos in his mastery is who the other maracames go to for cleaning and clearing. As he is usually out of signal and working in ceremony very regularly, he will be timing his journeys with us accordingly.

This will be santos’s first online offering, and he is excited to share the knowledge of kayumari, the blue deer, and the taitawari, grandfather fire, to help us as we navigate these current planetary energies on our path of wellness and wholeness. He works with the spirit of empowerment, and invites people to step into being the shamans of their own lives.

Jason Dornbusch

is an energy healer and shamanic herbalist whose work is akin to the Amazonian vegetalista tradition of physical diagnostics and plant protocols. Following the practice of herbal preparations and remedies for many years, Jason’s deep relationship with the plant nations began at a very young age.

He will share his work as a channeller,  ayahuasca facilitator and visionary guide. Jasons love of the land and connection to the elements is one of the biggest medicines he brings to ceremony.