noyarao: the tree of light

earth temple retreats amazon tree in the jungle

noyarao | the tree of light

Online & In Person Plant Attunement

with Athena Naia, Shamanic & Plant Medicine Practitioner

  • 6 Week Online Plant Dieta
    Advanced Practitioner Attunement
    (must have attended previous attunement or already have plant dieta experience)
  • 2 sessions / week
  • i.e Sundays @ 930am PST
  • i.e Wednesdays @ 3pm PST

A little bit about Noyarao

Noyarao also known as palo volador or the tree of light is an incredibly rare tree that grows in the amazon jungle that glows in the dark. There are many myths and legends of the Noyarao tree. And for many years it was passed down only energetically by those who had been in relationship with it.. Noyarao is a tree that is used for healing and also to help awaken the gifts of healers. It is considered an advanced dieta, Which is why many healers in the Amazonian tradition find it incredibly helpful for their work in the shamanic arts. It strengthens the energy body, amplifies gifts and psychic abilities. That said, because of its very high frequency it can also reveal things out of alignment and increase sensitivity. It’s said that from the world of Noyarao awakened masters have come as it comes from another universe. One beyond duality.

Fasting is the main offering of this dieta. As you will be fast from food and water on ceremony days.

Many healing traditions, religions, and indigenous societies would use forms of fasting to move into altered states and experience deep connection with the divine. Allowing one to move past the mind and the physical into the realm of spirit through this practice of offering, prayer and learning.

Though this work is not what one would call easy, after years of watching groups move through the process of dieta, we have seen incredible transformations and changes take place in people which is the only reason we continue to create spaces for people to come and retreat into the sacred journey of the soul in the context of ceremony.

Dieta is a traditional way to bring positive changes to your mind, heart, body, and soul. It offers an opportunity to connect with and cultivate a deeper relationship with the intelligence, spirit, and energy of master teacher plants. The profound and powerful transformations that occur from the deep relationships we build with the plant, ourselves, and each other allows us to walk with the spirit of love and courage, which is much needed to create the new world our hearts are praying for.

A Dieta is a deeper way of working with the medicine. When you decide to commit to dieta, it involves discipline and offering of fasting from certain foods, a series of ceremonies and the simultaneous partaking of another healing plant. It is the way all the Shipibo become healers; curanderos.

What is a Plant Attunement?

This particular practice is a marriage between Amazonian shamanic traditions of plant dieta and ancient herbal wisdom,.This is a shamanic form of training in energy medicine that is based on a direct relational experience.

This practice involves removing certain foods and habits to become attuned to the subtle energy field of life, and the teachings of a particular plant teacher to support you and those around you in your life.

The Shipibo, who are masters in this field of plant dieta, see plants, especially master plants almost like an ascended master.

This practice invites the spirit of the plant to become a helper and ally in your life.

In many traditional societies, people would learn from the plants in ways that created deep relationships and connections.

Humans and Plants have a completely symbiotic relationship. And so this practice welcomes a deep space to move into listening, healing and learning in a sacred relationship with the earth’s wisdom.

This practice is an invitation firstly to your higher self and higher wisdom. Creating deeper connection with your own inner source and inner guidance system, with the support of a master teacher in plant form. It is different from a plant dieta in terms of its protocols. But a potent beautiful way to welcome a healing ally from the plant nations into your life.

Dieta protocols

As this tree is called tree of life, and tree of the ancestors, we are going back to eat like our ancestors, as we welcome its medicine into our bundle.

The Shipibo are a tribe in the amazon jungle who practice a form of shamanic herbalism where they become deeply intimate with certain plants through the practice of dieta. This cedar attunement is based on this south meets north shamanic technology.

This practice requires offering. You are going to be offering some things up during this practice, and in through this offering up, you will receive deeply.

As a part of this offering, you are requested to not drink alcohol, stay off of the news, and to start to limit social media use unless its for work etc.

You are unable to eat any type of farmed animals at this time.

This includes chicken, beef, lamb, farmed fish and any other domesticated animals even if its organic. I can share more of the reason for this in our call.

You can eat wild game such as deer, elk, or wild bird etc. But best to stay off the red meats if you can.

Think of the way the ancestors of this land ate, and try to eat like this. Moving into a more ancestral diet requires No processed foods etc.

For some of you this will be difficult, I promise you will feel amazing at the end. There are so many toxins in foods that effect our mental and emotional health. Do not think of it as something you have to do, but a gift you are giving to yourself, and also a offering to cedar that says please help me on my sacred path. We can go over dieta requirements together.

Sex is permitted, which is different then a traditional dieta, (this is not a traditional dieta) but If you have sex, but it must be done with extra ceremonial care and love, and you can invite your sexual partner to drink the cedar tea with you. And welcome the cedar energy to support the spirit of unity and love between you.

This is a devotional practice, and you are offering up this to your cedar that will be growing inside of you.

Shamanic Mentorship

One of the principles I live by, is that every single one of us have a divine blueprint. We are brainwashed by our world to compare ourselves to each other, but The Lily is different then the cedar tree. And no matter how it tries, the flower cannot become the tree. In this, its not necessarily about adding new things, but seeing what is ones deepest gifts, working with this divine blueprint and fanning this flame within you.

We will be calling in every week the support of your guides and helpers and the energy of Cedar to guide us. When speaking of this mentorship it requires a willingness to open into yourself to new possibilities and be willing to look at habbits that do not serve you. As well as weaving in the details of every day life and what may be needing accountability and support.


No gossip. No putting others down with your words in dieta, this includes Hollywood actors, politicians, your mother in law, the person that annoys you at work.

You may of course talk about your process freely , however take responsibility for your own feelings and experiences. This is a potent way of working with energy and ask for responsibility and integrity while we are in the dieta process.

This may mean having more direct conversations with people if conflict arises. We are working on repatterning certain dynamics here with deeper levels of inquiry when certain dynamics play out. So watch what you engage, relax and also enjoy.


No watching the news, reading about the end of the world, None of this right now. This is a time to retreat from the world and gain strength in the deeper aspects of soul. No scrolling social media mindlessly. You can use social media, but must be done with mindfulness. No tv. No violent movies, or dramas. You can watch documentaries, or talks that are expansive in nature, things that feel supportive. This is all programming your system, and as we are not at a retreat center and you are at home. It is important to break any of these habits.

All this is extra important and can effect your dieta.

Spiritual Community

Though we will be covering some scholarly work, this isn’t about filling your head with fun facts or books, but an invitation into our own divine nature. As each of us commit to this, we naturally create a field of energy that will help us accelerate. This is why in Buddhism there a whole books devoted to the holy Sangha. You become like the people around you, and we know through mirror neurons we begin to think like the people who surround us. Don’t underestimate the power of spiritual community committed to transformative growth.

Prayer Partner

Each of you will be assigned a prayer partner. (if your open to it) Part of this practice is praying for others, and also receiving the energy of prayer. We will discuss this together when we all gather.


If you have joined me for a plant attunement, I usually sing Ikaros to you. And I will do this, if I feel the need for a clearing. But there will be focus on us singing together and singing songs that will activate your inner heart. Music and movement on the Bhakti path, or path of love and devotion are interwoven. This is where spirit can meet us.

ZOOM Calls

Each meeting will be an estimate of 1.5 to 2 hours.
We will meet 2 x a week to keep the accountability strong and I can keep an eye on your dieta. Sessions will have icaros, teachings, sharings and a place for you to be held in community to share your process and how we can pray for you.
The zoom meetings will be a small part of this energetic process but will be an important part of the journey.
It can be a big commitment for screen time, so you are invited to turn your camera off if you need to rest your eyes. You will still be brought in energetically and will experience the activations and work.

Included in this is :

  • 1 free healing session that is 1.5 to 2 hours (valued at $222usd)
  • An additional sessions available at a discount for those who join.
  • WhatsApp community group for sharing and connection.
  • Regular touch ins from me, holding you in your highest and brightest version of yourself!