Our Vision
Earth Temple
Birthed from a shared vision deep in the Amazon jungle after months in the process of retreat — what the Shipibo call dieta, the plants showed us the path. With love in our hearts for all Plant Medicine, we feel blessed to create safe and nurturing spaces where to come and sit in the Sacred Circle and take the time to heal, let go, be nourished and reminded of the Light that lives deep inside our Beings. To keep remembering who we are.
In the Spirit of the Prophecy
We work mainly in Turtle Island/Isla Tortuga, the geography of the Eagle and the Condor, and the ‘extinct’ sacred Quetzal of Mexico, all coming together within one hallowed sky.
Our vision is to create and continually reweave a cross-cultural bridge for Wisdom Keepers to share teachings and medicines and ceremonies, where the collective traditions can join in communal prayer.
In a world that is in a state of undeniable imbalance, we must begin the transformation from the inside out with love as the pendulum that guides us forward.

It was a major decision, replete with conflict, to put ourselves out here in the digital world online.
Can you imagine what the early explorers would have thought about a future where humans lived behind screens and might buy an aya experience by clicking a virtual button?
Putting a price tag on something sacred was a challenge. It took a great deal of consultation with Mother Aya herself before we moved forward to share our offerings more widely.
And as this type of work grows in popularity, it has become clear to us how important are spaces like ours, held with pure intentions, integrity, and loving care. We have also appreciated the extraordinary soul connections that have manifested in the process of making ourselves available online.
Another push in this direction was our continually uncovering understanding of the critical importance of post-ceremony care. Our focus on integration post-retreat, with follow-ups and check-ins through email and/or phone as well as group check-ins via Zoom. The sacred work of Ceremony needs help to integrate into the daily ceremony of our lives.
Guided by the Plant Spirits we work with, we co-created create Earth Temple as an offering of love for our planet. When one person does their own personal healing work, it ripples through life in a way we will never fully be able to understand. But you will see the effects of your work in your future encounters, clear as daylight.
There are countless options for people to work with Ayahuasca. In the last few years the industry has boomed from Hollywood, TV Shows, to countless new centers popping up every day. More than ever it is important to use discernment on who to choose to sit with. We created Earth Temple Retreats through deep guidance to offer a safe and loving ceremonial container for deep healing.
Safe supportive container:
We believe that as we come together to heal, there is a ripple effect that moves through our world. We have found that in order for individuals to move into vulnerable and open states for healing, one needs to feel safe and supported and loved. It’s important for us that all those who work with us feel this way. The countless people who have worked with us over the years have expressed how crucial it is to feel this sense of care.
Small intimate groups:
We keep our retreat participant numbers limited to 15 maximum. That way we can offer focused and individualized care.
Training & Experience:
Having been trained in Shipibo and Indigenous health care practices for close to a decade alongside a Western views of culture, consciousness and awareness provides us with a unique and special approach to medicine work.
We Only work with extremely well trained traditional Shipibo healers, with proven track records. Some of whom have been studying from the age of 12 years old.
Honour the traditions:
We honour all the indigenous peoples traditional teachings and wisdom in whom we work with, and work in culturally sensitive and respectful ways to contribute to supporting the sharing of knowledge and teachings.

Trained facilitators:
All facilitators at Earth Temple Retreats are studied in the practice of traditional plant dietas, and have very deep relationships and understanding of the traditions, serving as a helpful bridge between participants and the concepts of shamanic healthcare.
Mindfulness and Food:
Healthy, gluten free, vegan & vegetarian options for every meal. Our chefs are loving beings who prepare food mindfully with love & prayer. Many participants find the food itself a healing aspect of retreat.
Focus on integration:
With today’s popularity of drinking Ayahuasca and engaging in plant ceremonies, we notice that many people find integration the most difficult part of the practice itself. Which is why we at Earth Temple Retreats have a deep focus on integration practices during retreats, as well as counselors, coaches, and psychologists who are available for follow up therapy post retreat.
Do your research:
There are a lot of options these days to work with Ayahuasca. Back in the day when we began, we could never actually speak to everyday people about the therapeutic use of plant medicine. But now things are changing and there are so many options, many that are not actually the safest. So regardless on whether you join us or not, We encourage you to do your due research. Just because someone has a fancy website and understands marketing does not mean that you are going to be in the best hands. You can check through RetreatGuru, as well as follow your own intuition and inner guidance.
Very plainly when you ask an old Grandmother or Grandfather what Ayahuasca is they will tell you: It is a benevolent spirit, a healing spirit, gifted to us by the Earth herself to help us become well.
Why Earth Temple Retreats
- We offer small groups that provide a level of intimacy and care that cannot happen in larger centers. All our groups are limited to 15 participants, plus assistants to offer support if anyone needs help during the ceremonial process.
- All of our longer retreats offer personal council and follow up support. We work with trained therapists and also invest in our own personal training and education in continuing to gain deeper understanding of various healing methods.
- We are trained in an ancient form of health care and are able to create a cultural bridge of plant work in the modern day world, while still honoring age old traditions.
- We work with allies and various indigenous healers, practitioners and medicine carriers. We always honor the ancestors of the lands. If we are in Mayan territory, we will work with Mayan practitioners in order to share knowledge and come in a culturally sensitive and respectful way. This is where the energy of ally-ship is important to us. We work to stay in right relationships and collaborate and support others in ways we can.
- We practice Ayni. Ayni is a Quechua word for reciprocity. We regularly donate to various grass root initiatives in the locations that we work out of. We also regularly work to contribute directly to reforestation initiatives in the Amazon.
- Our Ayahuasca is made from pure Ayahuasca & Chacruna. We make sure all Ayahuasca is sourced from the most ethical people who respect and honor the medicine.
- We have a great track record. Which is why most of our retreats are filled by people who have been in relationship with us for years and have watched beautiful improvements and transformations in their lives.
- We work with principles of love and respect. We believe everyone who comes carries medicine and wisdom inside of them. It is our responsibility to see through whatever is arising hold all those who come to sit with us in the highest version of themselves. This is not always easy, but we do our best to create a foundation of support and care.
- We heavily screen those who come to sit. Very honestly we are more interested in people coming who are committed versus coming for an experience to try it out. And in this way we show up committed to your deepest healing and evolution.
Earth Temple Retreats Contact Form
A countless number of generations ago Human Beings were given original instructions by the Great Spirit for how to exist as humans in harmony with the Earth & our purpose here.
We have witnessed first hand over and over how powerful it is when women gather with intention and in a sacred and safe space.