mapacho: doctorcito abuelito

mapacho | remote dieta

Online & In Person Plant Attunement

with Athena Naia, Shamanic & Plant Medicine Practitioner

  • Next Container Opens April 23 2024
  • Online Plant Dieta
  • 2 sessions / week
  • Wednesday afternoons : 2:00pm PST
  • Sunday mornings : 10:30am PST
  • Ayni $915 USD
3 Month Payment Plan

A little bit about Mapacho

Mapacho, also known as Grandfather Mapacho is one of the oldest plants used ceremonially in the shamanic traditions of south America. Its use dates back over 8,000 years! It is a master teacher and has an incredible rich lineage of healing with human beings. Some of the oldest images of mapacho show him as an old man with a crown of leaves and a necklace of skulls. The Skulls and bones a reminder of the ancestors and the ancient wisdom as well as original instructions.

Before there were ayahuasqueros there were mapacheros. Mapacheros were medicine people or shamans who would heal and cure people using mapacho in a variety of ways.It is anti fungal, anti parasitic, and even used as a natural pesticide because it keeps bugs off of crops.

As this is one of its physical expressions, it also is used in this way spiritually and ceremonially, as a way to clear parasitic energies, trauma and sickness.

Mapacho’s more spiritual and shamanic qualities are ones of energetic protection, commitment, and prayer.

Tobacco in all traditions is used as a way to pray, and mapacho is no different in this way. A strong ally for prayer and connection with your creator, it can teach you many things about walking in a devotional way.

Many people who have encountered the spirit of Mapacho see this plant spirit manifest as an ancient grandfather, kind, loving and also stern and direct.

This master plant dieta is supportive for those wanting to come into more direct communication practices, leaning into more structure, boundaries and protection.

Masculine in its nature, it serves as a conduit to the universal energy of the Sacred masculine so many of us desire to be in relationship with.

This said mapacho is seen as a master healer, and many who have dieted him have experienced miraculous physical healing.

In mapacho ceremonies it is drunk as a strong brew prepared and prayed over by the Tabaquero (tobacco shaman). It deeply cleanses the body of toxins, it powerfully clears negative energy, and it communicates via the dreaming space. It is used in a variety of different ways such as smoke, tea, snuff or paste.

Mapacho also contains a high proportion of harmala alkaloids – harmane and norharmane. (Similar to ayahuasca) These MAO inhibitors help increase the amount of serotonin in the brain, which is similar to an antidepressant.

It is an advanced dieta and requires a humble and willing heart to show up to best of your capacity.

What is a Plant Attunement?

Dieta is an ancient shamanic practice that is an incredible tool and healer gifted by the plants and kept alive through the guardians of the medicines.

It is a practice used usually in conjunction with ayahuasca, though not isolated to it. As many of the shipibo peoples do not drink ayahuasca anymore, however they practice Dieta often. When someone is sick, they are automatically put on concoctions of plants and often will follow a regimented food diet as their body heals.

The shamanic form of dieta is where the curandera or curandero will open your energy body up to receive the master plant. Many of the healers work in ceremony to open a dieta, however this is not always the case. You will drink the master plant in some form, usually in an alcohol solvent, tea, or solar infusion.

Over the course of dieta, one connects to the spirit of the plant and welcomes its healing and companionship.The Master plant is benevolent helper and aids in the particulars of physical, emotional and mental healing and wellness.

There are plants for everything you can imagine. Plants for the brain, for emotional healing, for immune and nervous system rebalancing, plants to cure ailments of all sorts.

In many ways dieta is traditional herbalism, however used alongside ayahuasca, one becomes extremely attuned to the energies of the master plants.

Traditionally dieta would be practiced in isolation. Many of the maestras and maestros we work with spent a period of 6 months to a year in isolation huts dieting plants, drinking medicine and learning directly through personal experience how to become healers.

This is the traditional form the shipibo would practice to become healers. There are dietas for learning and there are dietas for healing. Most of the time they weave between the both.

The practice of dieta involves a commitment to practice. Often depending on the type of dieta one is practicing, one must eliminate all salts, sugars, oils, and spices.

The reason for this is similar to the yogis and Ayurveda practices in India that would keep the nervous system as calm as possible in order to become attuned to subtle energies.

In the case of dieta, one becomes attuned to the subtle teachings of the master plant they are dieting. Used in conjunction with ayahuasca, one becomes extremely connected to the plant that they dieta in ceremonies.

Once a person dietas a plant, for a period of weeks, months, or years, the plant spirit that they have been working with becomes woven into the fabric of their being, serving as a protective compassionate helper.

When your dieta is closed you will receive an Arkana, One of the best ways to explain this is as though it were a woven cloak of songs and healing vibrations. The shipibo speak of the importance of Arkana, serving as spiritual protection for people that will support them in their life journey. The dietas also are a form of direct learning and training through the plants and through the practice of dieta one may receive doctoring tools to help aid in healing, the removal of parasitic energies, illness and disease.

All of these practices have evolved over thousands of years of amazonian shamanism and direct learning from the spirits of the plants, the earth, and a devotion to peoples healing. This particular practice of a remote dieta is a marriage between Amazonian shamanic traditions of plant dieta and ancient herbal wisdom.

Dieta Protocols

Food Protocol

As we are working with the ancient plant ancestors ,we are going back to eat like our ancestors, as we welcome this medicine into our bundle.a good chance to work on you, for this container it’s requested you do your best to move into a space of quiet and introspection and follow the food protocols diligently.

• No chemicals in your food.

• No Dairy

• No Gluten

• No sugar

• No processed foods

• No chips

• No alcohol

• No factory farm Meat

• No raw oils

• No red meat, though you can have wild game if caught in an ethical way

• A little salt is ok on your meals

• No sex outside of loving committed partnerships



No gossip. Not putting others down with your words in dieta, this includes Hollywood actors, politicians, your mother in law, the person that annoys you at work. You may of course talk about your process freely, however take responsibility for your own feelings and experiences. This is a potent way of working with energy and asking for responsibility and integrity while we are in the dieta process. This may mean having more direct conversations with people if conflict arises. We are working on repatterning certain dynamics here with deeper levels of inquiry when certain dynamics play out. So watch what you engage, relax and also enjoy.


No watching the news, reading about the end of the world, None of this right now. This is a time to retreat from the world and gain strength in the deeper aspects of the soul. No scrolling social media mindlessly. You can use social media, but must be done with mindfulness. No random tv with commercials. No violent movies, or heavy dramas. You can watch certain comedies, documentaries, or talks that are expansive in nature, things that feel supportive. This is all programming your system, and as we are not at a retreat center and you are at home. It is important to break any of these habits if you really want to recieve the full potential of plant dieta. All this is extra important and can affect your dieta. And our prayer is for you to receive as much as possible during this time.

Shamanic Mentorship

One of the principles I live by, is that every single one of us have a divine blueprint. We are brainwashed by our world to compare ourselves to each other, but The Lily is different then the cedar tree. And no matter how it tries, the flower cannot become the tree. In this, its not necessarily about adding new things, but seeing what is ones deepest gifts, working with this divine blueprint and fanning this flame within you.

We will be calling in every week the support of your guides and helpers and the energy of Christ ligth to guide us. When speaking of this mentorship it requires a willingness to open into yourself to new possibilities and be willing to look at habbits that do not serve you. As well as weaving in the details of every day life and what may be needing accountability and support.

Spiritual Community

Though we will be covering some scholarly work, this isn’t about filling your head with fun facts or books, but an invitation into our own divine nature. As each of us commit to this, we naturally create a field of energy that will help us accelerate. This is why in Buddhism there a whole books devoted to the holy Sangha. You become like the people around you, and we know through mirror neurons we begin to think like the people who surround us. Don’t underestimate the power of spiritual community committed to transformative growth.

Prayer Partner

Each of you will be assigned a prayer partner. (if your open to it) Part of this practice is praying for others, and also receiving the energy of prayer. We will discuss this together when we all gather.


If you have joined me for a plant attunement, I usually sing Ikaros to you. And I will do this, if I feel the need for a clearing. But there will be focus on us singing together and singing songs that will activate your inner heart. Music and movement on the Bhakti path, or path of love and devotion are interwoven. This is where spirit can meet us.

ZOOM Calls

Each meeting will be an estimate of 1.5 to 2 hours. 2X a week.
The zoom meetings will be a small part of this energetic process but will be an important part of the journey.
It can be a big commitment for screen time, so you are invited to turn camera off if you need to just rest. You will still be brought in energetically and will experience the activations and work.

Included in this is :

  • 1 free healing session that is 1.5 to 2 hours (valued at $222usd)
    And additional sessions available at a discount for those who join.
  • Whatsapp community group for sharing and connection.
  • Regular touch ins from me, holding you in your highest and brightest version of yourself!