Earth Temple Retreats & Dietas

artwork- Amanda Sage

March 7 – 10, 2025

The Realms of Inner Guidance

3-night Ayahuasca weekend retreat

Rock Creek, BC

3 nights, 4 days at a 5000 sq. ft custom log house in the Okanagan wilderness

2 nights of transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies guided by incredible sound healers.

640-acre grassland with rivers, creeks, sauna, and expansive wilderness.

Healthy, organic lovingly prepared meals

Daily sharing and integration circles,
Personal 1:1 support sessions with experienced facilitators
Shamanic wisdom teachings and practices 

artwork- Amanda Sage

April 27 – May 18, 2025

Chiric Sanago Dieta

3-week online container

Option to close dieta in Sacred Bloom ayahuasca retreat add-on. Closing dieta in aya ceremony is a powerful way of fortifying your dieta, and the traditional way of dieta in the jungle.

Plant Dieta is a form of shamanic energy healing and training involving the communion between yourself and a master plant consciousness for an extended period of time to grow one’s medicine bundle, and accelerate the healing path.

Sacred shamanic dieta opening + closing

2 weekly live calls with teachings, Ikaros, prayers and shares

3 weeks worth of hand crafted Chiric Sanango tincture

Personal and group support for 6 weeks

6 Live call recordings

Community group chat support

One private session with Athena or Jason 

artwork- Amanda Sage

May 16 – 19, 2025

Sacred Bloom

3-night Ayahuasca weekend retreat + Chiric Sanago dieta

Shawnigan Lake, BC

A combined weekend retreat + 3-week dieta with master plant Chiric Sanago. The online cedar dieta primer is included in the retreat price.

3 nights, 4 days at the serene Eagle Nest Sanctuary

2 nights of transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies 

Optional 3-week Chiric Sanago dieta primer [online]

Personal integration support through sharing circles and guided practices

Healthy, organic dieta-friendly meals 

artwork- Amanda Sage

June 8 – June 29, 2025

Online Cedar Dieta

3-week master plant dieta

Option to close dieta in Anchors of Light retreat add-on. Closing dieta in aya ceremony is a powerful way of fortifying your dieta, and the traditional way of dieta in the jungle.

Plant Dieta is a form of shamanic energy healing and training involving the communion between yourself and a master plant consciousness for an extended period of time to grow one’s medicine bundle, and accelerate the healing path.

Shamanic dieta opening + closings

2 weekly live calls with teachings, Ikaros, prayers and shares

Instructions on crafting your cedar medicine

Personal and group support for 6 weeks

6 Live call recordings

One private dieta session with Athena or Jason 

artwork- Amanda Sage

June 24 – July 1, 2025

Anchors of Light

7-night ayahuasca retreat + cedar master plant dieta experience

Bowen Island, BC

A combined Ayahuasca retreat + master plant dieta to fortify your soul’s strength, and receive the codes of consciousness from the ancient plant master Cedar. A retreat for seekers and healers to accelerate their healing, and advance their medicine bundle. The online cedar dieta primer is included in the retreat price.

7 nights, 8 days at a tranquil island retreat center surrounded by majestic cedars

3-week Cedar online dieta primer

4 nights of transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies

Healthy, organic lovingly prepared meals

38 acres of lush forest and for integration, with nearby ocean beaches and rainforest trails to explore

Daily sharing and integration circles 

Personal 1:1 support sessions with experienced facilitators

Shamanic wisdom teachings and practices

Somatic embodiment practices
Repatterning and integration meditations

Our On-going Mystery School

artwork- Amanda Sage

Aug 2024 – Sep 2025

Emissaries of Light

A 13 month online mystery school & ceremonial shamanic apprenticeship

Activations, clearings, songs and healing from a living legend in the peyote Hikuri tradition of the desserts of Mexico
13 months of support, prayer, intentional focus to bring your energy into continued alignment.

New & Full moon ceremonies for 13 whole months

Ikaro sound healings of the Shipibo amazonian tradition.

Regular chanupa ceremony with pipe carrier and azteca medicine man aztecoyote.


To register for any of our upcoming retreats, please fill out our medical form.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our upcoming retreats. We look forward to connecting with you.