Safety on Retreat

Safety Protocols and Options

  • Extensive First Aid kid on site at all times, including medication for altitude as well as oxygen tanks.
  • There will always be someone on staff with first aid training and CPR training.
  • Private hospital no more than 1 hour away from the retreat center.
  • Staff at the retreat Center including 1-2 Security Guards at night.
  • Two facilitators on staff at all times.
  • Groups are never larger than 15 participants resulting in a high ratio of support available.
  • Taxi available at all hours if needed.
  • Doctors within the town below less than 20 minutes away.
  • All those coming who are on any type of medication, or arrive with pre-existing medical conditions have been screened by our medical intake.
  • We do not allow anyone to come who is currently taking SSRI medication as it is counter-indicative to Ayahuasca.
  • Ayahuasca is brewed traditionally, with only the Ayahuasca vine and Chacruna Leaf.