
**These teachings live on forever in our hearts.**


I wrote a song for our group and for Athena & Jason after our Wednesday ceremony as a way to say thank you. The recording is very raw and the song is longer than I would normally write but it was a message that came through to speak of what our dieta embodied…maybe of what was felt, learned and most of all pure gratitude for the blessing of knowing you all and sharing such a beautiful space together. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. I appreciate you all so much. 

I came into this dieta for work on myself and I move forward with intention of holding this space, love and healing for all of us, for our planet and beyond. 

The title of this song is “Thank You”. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. So much Love and Blessings to you all 🙏🤍🎶💫

Amanda Keeley, IG @amandakeeleymusic

**Athena, thank you so much for this beautiful experience.**

Bukowski says, “There is no other path, there never was,” and this is how I feel about meeting you both. Thank you for believing that I can heal. That belief alone really brings me to tears.

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I arrived, or why I felt so called to sign up – but I felt a deep knowing this was where I was meant to be. The connection I felt last week reinstalled a sense of magic in the world that was lost on me — this child-like wonder of not knowing what one can expect behind every corner. The connections, friendships, lessons, and moments we shared — whether deep in medicine or laughing on the floor — invigorated a new sense of wonder that banished this jaded understanding of life that consumed me over the past few years.
Thank you for providing such a beautiful container during ceremony. A deep thank you for holding such sacred space for me.

Thank you for your singing, for your energy. I can only imagine how taxing it all can be to show up for all of this. You give so much! It is nothing short of heroic.
I experienced no pain in my back throughout the flight, it was magical – and I have faith the rest of my back pain will continue to fade.

To observe your healings is an honor! Thank you for opening my heart and mind that I am not alone in feeling not from this earth. Star sister! I woke up today and heard your voice: “We are so lucky.” Indeed, we are. Blessings.



**Has grown my community, my dream life and my dream!**

I really want to thank Athena⁩ for carrying this important tradition. Your voice and songs are potent. And to Jason⁩ for your rock solid support of this work. You both have offered us a wonderful opportunity to grow here. Your love is felt. 

For all the helpers, I thank you too!  Carolyn, Court, Graham !

For my Peterborough pod, it has been a blessing to get closer with you!

For old and new friends in Toronto and beyond!  It has been a blessing to get to know you under this umbrella of rose and bobinsana!

This experience has been expansive!  Opened the door to my creativity, allowed me to work through triggers, helped me to connect the dots in my life, has grown my community, my dream life and my dream! 

I feel stronger with rose and bobinsana as my allies. And my self-doubt is withering away. 

Thank you to everyone for you sharing, support, vulnerability, encouragement, and love and prayers. 

Much love to you all!


Marianne B, Herbalist

**Helped me remember fullness again, to know + love deeper again, to rekindle faithful belief, to clear my heart, throat chakra and to heal.**

Thank you so much to you, Athena + Jason for allowing your beings to be the light + the sacred facilitators for this work, it’s so potent and the plant wisdom is a blessing to be introduced too, through you both 🤎🙏🏽 and to Carolyn, Graham + Court for co facilitating! You are all beautiful 🌸 I am eternally in gratitude for this space of expansion for us all. 

I can’t really say thank you enough, I came into this dieta with my spirit feeling tired, my pathway transparent and going through a bumpy + painful set of learnings about my value, my boundaries and responsibility. My voice felt scared and small. Now I am again the fire burning in my own reality, I have firework energy and thorns as armour, I feel a golden shell wrapping up my spirit. This dieta has helped me remember fullness again, to know + love deeper again, to rekindle faithful belief, to clear my heart, throat chakra and to heal. To awaken my dragon 🐉 she’s here and she’s aint going to accept anything less than a sacred yes to what is coming in her path 🌹💫 

When I was a small girl I used to sit in the paddocks behind my house and speak to the stars, my sisters and brothers to ask them why they had sent me here 😂 to this strange place; asking them to help me figure out how to help this earth. I feel my calling to expand further into ma bigness 💙 

Bless you all in this container, as we have all played a part in this journey for each other and I love you all X

Cecily R, New Zealand

**Beautiful soul**

I did a week-long retreat with Athena and had the most beautiful and life-changing experience of my life! It’s hard to describe the feeling of having her around in the best way possible.

She is there when you need her or help in general, but only in the right moments when you are ready to receive. She is very loving and caring and has helped me personally break down a few walls that I was putting in my own path. Any chance I could have to spend more time with her, I would gladly take in a second.

I am so grateful for having the opportunity to meet her and learn from her and patiently await the next time I see her and all the beautiful ladies that were part of the retreat. Thank you so much for everything Athena.


**Magical experience**

To sit with Athena and Jeremy in ceremony is to be blessed beyond words. It’s truly a heart-opening, cleansing, healing, loving, magical experience and it has changed my life in all areas possible —physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc — ones I didn’t even know existed lol!

I have sat with them for the past five years. They’re on a mission, a mission to make this place a better place and it shows. They’re available and truly devoted with their time and energy, transparent and open, supportive, and talented, so so talented… both of them…I have heard it over and over again. I would pay just to hear them sing or hear Jeremy play his amazing crystal singing bowls!

If you are looking for direction, healing, a real change in your life, whatever…you’ll discover it buried waiting to be released… and you’ll know you’re in good hands full of heart, love, and light to welcome it.

The wonderful thing is that all this beautiful love and life support continues long after the ceremony has ended. We carry the blessings received in our hearts long after our last goodbyes. We walk in balance again…a cosmic gift for this toxic world.

Thanking you beyond words, beautiful Athena and Jeremy.

Granny Annie 🙏💕🙏

**Authentic Magic**

Athena possesses an innate power and depth of spirit. In a world flooded by ‘eager to lead’ organizers her extent and earnestness of development are both deeply comforting and inspirational. Athena has invoked several fundamental developments within me, in both ceremony and waking life. If there is ever a chance to draw from this authentic spiritual guide and medicine woman I would highly recommend you seize the opportunity.


**A wise woman**

I have sat in ceremonies and events that Athena has hosted, facilitated, or organized, many, many times now. Each time is as transformative as the last and I always walk away grateful and filled with life again. Athena has a gift for intuiting the direction and creating the space needed for the people who show up. Her medicine, skill, knowledge, and presence are unique and down to earth.

You will find a strong, loving, and humble woman, walking this ancient path that we all are walking, and filling her medicine bag to share with those around her. I appreciate her guidance and direction in ceremony, as well as the ample room she leaves for my own wisdom and healing to arrive. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found her and to know that I can always come back to sit in ceremony with her and remember the beauty of life again.


**A shining light and a gentle spirit**

Athena is a wonderful guide for healing and wholeness. She brings her authentic nature with all of her own healing experiences to each interaction and we are left feeling supported and nurtured on our own paths. Working with Athena, I was able to connect with a deep healing part of myself and I was able to tap into my own inner wisdom. Thank you so much Athena.

I would recommend joining any retreat or healing experience where Athena is facilitating. You will be in amazing hands.


**A Natural Healer**

What you are first struck by when you meet Athena, is her incandescent smile. It is genuine and comes from her heart. It is an outward reflection of her love, caring and desire to be of service to anyone in need, and to the larger project of healing and making this world a slightly better place.

I have had the good fortune to be in _dieta_ with her, and have seen firsthand her dedication to the medicine and her deep love and dedication to the sometimes challenging work that this path can entail. She is a true wise woman, who brings her own unique blend of caring, grace, humor, and wit to the work of healing and personal transformation. Count yourself blessed if you ever have a chance to work with her:)


**A beautiful heart**

“In all she touches, Athena continues to leave one with a deep sense of groundedness, caring, and creativity. A breath of fresh air, just when you need one. Her love and admiration for all of life is truly a prize.” 

Caroline (A. Porter)

**Mother to all**

Athena is a brilliant Light in this world. I am truly blessed to be held and supported on my journey by her love and wisdom. Athena is a gifted and talented healer who brings a deep sense of benevolent love to all as she facilitates one’s own inner healing. She sings like an angel, has a megawatt smile, and knows how to laugh and forgive. She helped me find my voice, my integrity, and my passion.

She sees people for who they really are inside, and honours one’s inner spirit. She has been my teacher for many years, and for that, I am extremely grateful. If you ever feel called to sit in ceremony or receive a healing massage with her, you are in for a treat. May the Great Spirit bless all of you beautiful souls.

Thank you Athena for bringing all that you bring to this planet!


**Soul Sister**

I’ve worked with Athena in ceremony thes past years, and am aware of the strength and magic she holds through her heart and voice.

She walks in integrity both in this world and the spirit world. She holds a strong protective container for those under her watch in ceremony.

Athena is following her heart path offering this work, and is dedicated to tradition but also to her own soul’s wisdom that has come here at this time for all of us who are called to work with her.

Athena has a pure heart and this comes through her work in a beautiful way. I recommend her to anyone searching for a loving, accepting, safe space to dive into their deep inner work.


**An Old and Wise Soul in a Young Body**

I have enjoyed two retreats with Athena. The type of spiritual retreats that Athena guides you through are not for the faint of heart. If you are going to be guided you must know deeply in your heart you can trust your guide. Athena is that person for me. She is a soft and loving and yet strong and firm.

She resonates Mother essence. I trust her implicitly to guide me through the experiences for the highest good of my soul. Each experience, through her guidance/presence, has deepened my connection to myself, higher self and nature. I am extremely grateful for all she has done for me.

I look forward to the retreats she brings to our community. Even as I read these words, they seem inadequate to communicate how deeply she has touched me. Thank you so much Athena.


**Getting to Know a Shining Star**

I am happy to share here my experiences with Athena, both as a person and as a leader in Ceremony. I have engaged in Ceremony within community for many many years, so I know when the space and people are cared for and regarded as sacred. Working and getting to know Athena over the years has been wonderful. Sign of the changing times where the sacred feminine and their innate gifts are emerging once again for all to learn and heal by. What the world needs are authentic, wise, and gentle leaders of ceremony, and Athena fits this bill 100%. She holds space, ceremony, and wisdom as well as any I have had the honor to sit with. Blessings Athena and all who are graced to work with her through this journey called Life.


**Precious Gem**

I first met Athena years ago when I was feeling unwell. A common friend had referred me for a massage. I did not know I was in for such a treat. It turned out to be much more than I had expected. From the very beginning, she demonstrated compassion and listening skills which immediately put me at ease. She proceeded with a thorough treatment during which she sang. I was shocked, her voice and songs were so soothing. She was careful and considerate and even played in my hair, I felt nurtured, in good hands.

I am so grateful for meeting Athena. 
Her contributions to the community are greatly appreciated and very inspiring.
Athena is an incredible facilitator and is truly dedicated to helping others. I can’t wait for the privilege to share space with her again. I know in my heart and deep in my soul, that she has played an important role in my recuperation and healing. I am forever grateful.


**A bright spirit, here to guide**

Of the 75 or so times in my life that I’ve drunk medicine in ceremony, more than half have been under Athena or Jeremy’s powerful, protective agency of care.

We all feel safe in their maloka. In fact, I’d take it a step further: we feel safe with everyone who sits in ceremony with Jeremy and/or Athena.

Anyone walking the path of the consciously awakening being would do well to spend ceremony time with Athena or Jeremy, given the opportunity. With their light-touch guidance, you will see the music, hear the fragrances, and smell the colors.

Laurie G

**Dedicated Spirit**

I have known Athena and her family for many years now and very much admire the congruency between their ideals and the life-path they have chosen to create for themselves.

I have been to many events and some ceremonies hosted by Athena and Jeremy and have always come back with a better sense of my own definition and place in the world. Athena is a healer whose kindness, dedication and reverence for Spirit and our Earth-Mother are evident at first glance.

Many have been the occasions where I have felt gratitude for the gifts she shares so freely and wisely. Medicine Woman is she… dedicated to the healing and harmony of all her relations. Blessed are those who are fortunate enough to work with her.


**The wisdom within**

There is a fine and beautiful quality to Athena’s work as a medicine woman and healer. She is brave, strong, and bold and touched me so much with her ability to connect with me on a very transcendent, deep level. With her I was able to finally work on and face some of my rather deep-rooted issues – so much so that I was able to move on, change and step towards the light.

Experiencing her working with song and touch is such a special beautiful treat and resonated with my body and soul for a long time. I found true inspiration in her work with me and would highly recommend Athena to anyone who is seeking true healing, being rooted, and enlightenment.


**Power Woman**

Athena has been instrumental to my personal healing journey. In her grounded, nurturing way, she has held sacred space, invoked spirit, gathered the women, sung to the bones, guided journeys, voiced her heart, unearthed the depths, birthed the new, and seen through-and-through. I am ever-grateful for her wise and loving offering. Highly recommended.


**One of a kind**

I’ve had the immense pleasure of taking part in three separate plant medicine ceremonies with Athena and her husband Jeremy. As someone who has incredible difficulty in ‘letting go’, I immediately felt so comfortable with Athena’s attention to detail surrounding all aspects of the ceremony.

In my last ceremony with them, I was having a difficult time (still struggling to ‘let go’) and was constantly being brought back to my centre by Athena and her incredibly kind, nurturing spirit.

I LOVE how Athena brings the best of the ceremonial traditions from Peru but also mixes that in with an upbringing in more traditional Western culture. So amazing and unique to sit with someone who is so incredibly knowledgeable with the ancient ways but yet can also relate to the modern world! Athena was also so attentive to proper integration and followed up, regularly checking in with me to see how I was doing or to see if I had any questions. I soooooo highly recommend Athena to anyone that is looking at going down this path of inner discovery!!


**Light in the Darkness**

I met Athena and Jeremy years ago when I had the blessing of sitting with them in ceremony, which they facilitated.

Immediately, I know I was in a safe and sacred space and in the presence of genuine healers. Their medicine is beautiful and powerful and has helped me so much on my journey. I have also had many healing sessions with Athena. She truly is the light for me as I navigate a deep soul journey. She has supported and been there to guide me when I need her most.

I am so grateful to have found such a beautiful soul sister. Anyone would be blessed to work with her. Much love and gratitude ❤️


**There are no words ♥️**

Joining Athena on retreat may have been the most powerful week of my life!

So much healing, so much transformation and there are truly no words for the immense amount of gratitude I feel for her and the most important work she is doing.

I am incredibly honored to have been able to work with such a powerful healer and am looking forward to working with her again. At her retreat I felt safe, loved and so deeply cared for. I can’t even express how full my heart was, coming home after just seven days.

If you are called to the medicine and need to work with a healer who is not only doing her own work but also committed to a path of integrity, Athena is your girl!

Hands down the retreat I’ve been to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your commitment to this path Athena!!!

Kelly B

**A powerful,  intuitive healer**

Athena is a gifted and graceful facilitator who possesses a deep well of experience. She is very intuitive, compassionate, and capable of channelling and holding powerful energies. She is a natural healer. I have been to 13 ceremonies she has facilitated and I have always felt safe with her and in expert hands. If you’re looking for someone who walks the walk, Athena is your woman.


**A gift from Great Spirit**

Working with and sitting with Athena in ceremony for a few years now has completely changed my life in such a beautiful way. When I first met this amazing sister and medicine woman I was in such despair and my life was not working on many different planes.

Through gentle guidance, clearing and transmission of light, she has seen me through a miraculous transformation in my life and being. I now am so much lighter, joyful and carry my own medicine with a grounded sense of being, love and compassion for myself and others. I am forever grateful for this beautiful spirit.

Leigh J

We find our teachers everywhere


**A true Maestra**

I first worked with Athena in 2016, when I was finishing my studies. The years leading to that point was a heady mixture of adventures and tumult. Desperate to recover my health and sanity, I looked at a number of healing retreats before coming across Athena.

I felt an electrical connection right away. Her international upbringing made it likely that I could trust her with the particular wounds that come with growing up in multiple cultures. When I reached out to her, I was expecting a brief and impersonal response, but what I got was a sincere note that acknowledged my journey. Health and safety are of the utmost importance to me. Athena’s personal touch made me feel she would look after me. Three years and many retreats later, I feel the same way. The beautiful souls she shares her practice with are a reflection of the love and integrity she lives by.

In ceremonies, I am especially impressed by the deftness with which she guides wayward attention to a grounded state. She is able to do so in ceremonies that last the whole night and move through different phases. I am grateful to sit with a maestra who understands my desire to go deep and is compassionate toward what arises.

I will forever remember the night in the ceremonial space after one of the most meaningful experiences in my life. As night turned into morning, she called my name to see if I was asleep. I heard her but was too exhausted to respond. Still, she whispered to me, “Buenas noches, Hermana.” Then she made her way to the exit, every sock-muffled footstep a kiss.


**A truly gifted inspirational healer**

I have had the blessing of knowing Athena for several years – and though I have been to many of her events over that time, I am struck by what incredibly strong, wonderful memories I have of ones that happened even years ago. And in one-to-one sessions, her clarity and spiritual insight is unmistakable. Athena is a truly gifted healer, musician, muse, advisor, and nurturer; I feel so fortunate to know this infinitely generous and loving person. In all her deeds, she exhibits so much remarkable drive and inspiration; spending time with her is a delight one will always treasure.


**Healing Songs**

Athena is a beautiful, kind, generous woman who seeks only to walk with healing footsteps across this earth’s journey. I have known Athena for many years and have been touched by her spirit’s powerful healing nature. Her beautiful soothing songs and magical hands have moved the pain out of my back after days of suffering. I have received her help, from counselling to physical ailments; she has an all-round holistic approach to healing and does her best to offer you what you need with a fair exchange. Athena has helped transform my way of seeing the world for the better and has activated positive growth in many lives. I am so blessed that our paths have crossed and grateful to her in so many ways. May your paths cross as well! 🙂


**True teachers**

I am blessed to have found true teachers in my life. I consider Athena and Jeremy to be two of those. Athena is real, allowing space for you to grow and rise and expand in your own gifts and become empowered to heal yourself. She does an amazing job of leaving her ego away from ceremony, so the purity of the work may come through.

I never knew what to expect from ceremony, but I felt so safe and supported that I continue to get called back!

I appreciate and respect everything Athena does. She truly walks her talk and is an incredible soul to be in the presence of. I recommend connecting with her in whatever capacity to are feeling called to. Your life will be uplifted.


**A powerful, grounded, compassionate, wise woman and storyteller.**

I attended a two-day retreat with Athena in 2018. Being in ceremony with Athena was such a blessing, she created the environment and initiated a process that allowed me to dive deep within. Athena provided a grounding fulcrum which I was able to use to anchor myself while I journeyed.

She created a safe, sacred space for healing. She took the time to ensure each individual under her care was well. I felt deeply cared for. She provided me with some support that was specific to my needs and it helped me tremendously.

In ceremony, I witnessed many spirits come through Athena as she guided our group – the hummingbird, the wolf, the bear, the wise elder – many spirits shared their voices. She is a storyteller, a singer, a healer, a carrier and protector of the medicine.

Thank you, Athena – truly.


**No more fear**

Athena’s medicine is a distinct healing I have not experienced in any of the previous phenomena lived in a full spiritual life. I have learned the hard way that not every medicine person is built or ready to heal. Before sitting in ceremony with Athena, I was intimidated and terrified of ayahuasca from previous experiences.

This narrative has been fully rewritten by sitting with Athena over a number of ceremonies. The containers she can hold are imprinted and claimed with such love, that all elements, deities, and ascended beings become present. Her medicine only leaves room for finding your power, your voice, your unique medicine.

I have found my truth, time and time again with her, in deeper and deeper ways. And if you find yourself at one of her ceremonies, you will find yours too.

Emma P

**Deep Spirit**

Athena possesses an innate power and depth of spirit. In a world flooded by ‘eager to lead’ organizers her extent and earnestness of development is both deeply comforting and inspirational.

Athena has invoked several fundamental developments within me, in both ceremony and waking life. If there is ever a chance to draw from this authentic spiritual guild and medicine woman I would highly recommend you seize the opportunity.

Steven D

**A retreat with Athena is an uplifting experience**

She will take you on a journey into the heart of who you are, where you will find strength, courage, and wisdom. Athena is a highly intuitive woman. She cares deeply, helping to illuminate the path for those who choose to walk with her. I look forward to joining her in ceremony again soon.

Saira M

**Athena is an amazing, talented, and wondrous teacher **

I am so grateful to have been guided to take a class with Athena alongside a wonderful group of women in spring 2022, which led me through phenomenal spiritual healing and growth. She is knowledgeable and experienced, and with her intuition she taps into and adjusts the direction and flow of classes based on the collective group energies, leaving all blissful by the end of each session. She allows everyone to feel welcome and safe and can help move people through challenging emotions with sincerity, lightness, and joy. I wholeheartedly recommend her classes or one-on-one sessions. Lots of love.

Michelle 💙💙🌿


Athena has been instrumental to my personal healing journey. In her grounded, nurturing way, she has held sacred space, invoked spirit, gathered the women, sung to the bones, guided journeys, voiced her heart, unearthed the depths, birthed the new, and seen through-and-through. I am ever-grateful for her wise and loving offering. Highly recommended.

Carole L

**Excellent retreats**

I’ve been blessed to be a part of several of Athena’s retreats where she carefully creates a sacred and safe space. In each retreat I’ve attended, I’ve experienced tremendous healing and transformation. The facilitation and step-by-step process allowed me to go to newfound depths.

I highly recommend any retreat, training, or counseling Athena has to offer. 

Zoe G

**Clear, clean, and powerful**

Working with Athena and Jeremy was a direct transmission of simplicity, clarity and humility. I very much appreciated the care and guidance she constantly gave during ceremony. I also appreciated that there wasn’t anything ‘extra’ no apparent ego was interwoven in the ceremony. That is a trait I usually see in Buddhist teachers so I really appreciated that in ceremony.

Lots of laughter and gentleness. Also, it was one of the most powerful ceremonies of my life which I’m still working to unpack. A deep thank you for holding such elegant space for me to do my work.

Cameron W